Monday 29 August 2011


Ok, so this may seem strange, but lately I have been feeling like cooking really isn't all that hard. I don't know why I had it in my mind that it was, maybe because I really never did it. :) It always seemed it was easier to put something frozen in the oven or something from a box on the stove, but tonight we had a great diner and it really only took us maybe 10 minutes of prep time. We used all fresh veggies, had some great potatoes, some cheap steak and threw it all together. For those of you thinking, man this girl has been married for a whole year and is just figuring this out now?, well kind of i guess. I always felt I needed to follow recipes and needed all these crazy ingredients to make a great meal, when in reality I can be as creative as I want.

This is all very random and yet it seems like it's going to change my world significantly. Just thought I would keep people in the loop with what is going on in my brain. Uh, oh, maybe a blog was a bad idea ;)

On a more serious note, we had an awesome first day of orientation. I think this year is going to challenge us to grow in all areas of our lives. Growing deeper in our walk(s) with the Lord. Growing deeper in love and leaning more on Christ in our marriage. And tons of other stuff, but my brain is failing me right now. It's going to be a great year.

Lovers 4 life signing out

(that was for you Marie)

Sunday 28 August 2011


Alright, this is my first blog ever so you are going to have to cut me some slack if it's all over the place :)

I can't believe we are actually in Canada. This past year, as we were working and saving up for MTC, we hit a big bump in the road. New Tribes has had some pretty awful stuff go on in their past and our pastor wasn't sure if this was the most solid mission for us to go with. Brion and I were caught totally off guard with this. We knew God put us at Arlington Countryside Church to be our sending church and we also really felt God calling us to New Tribes. Our pastor and the mission board researched and prayed about this for months and in the end God worked it all out. When we were told that they would still back us up if we went through New Tribes we were overjoyed. But the overjoyed-ness was soon followed by, wow, we have a lot to do! 

As I sit here just remembering this, I am amazed at God hand. He genuinely cares for us and He really does work in our lives. We serve a powerful and Holy God!    

So now that we are actually in Canada and our orientation starts tomorrow, I still can't believe we are actually here. I think that fact may shock me for a few weeks yet. We have an awesome apartment and the people here are so friendly. It will be weird getting used to being in "the bubble" again. (In our own little New Tribes city inside Durham). Everything seems to be more expensive here, which to me is strange. For example: 4 liters of milk (little over a gallon) = $5, gas = $1.27 per liter which translates into about $5 a gallon, cereal is about $5 a box and cheese is just crazy! Needless to say we will be buying in bulk next time we are in the states :) 

All in all. we are so glad we move here. Our campus is beautiful, the people are wonderful, and we have already scored some sweet free stuff from the mission barrel (which is like a free goodwill at New Tribes). I will try to keep you all posted on the interesting stuff that is happening in our lives here in the great white north!  

~ Annette ~