Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Crazy Lady!

I think I have turned into a crazy person! Last week it came to my attention that I would have to make a baby registry way sooner than I thought I would. This really freaked me out because I know nothing about baby products and even what we will all need. But I just decided to call my sister (Jess, you really are a lifesaver!) and get it taken care of. After doing some research online and talking to my amazing sister, I began my registry.

I'm really not much of one for staring at the computer screen for long periods of time, so this was a bit rough for me. Oh and you may be asking yourself, "why did she have to do it on the computer?". Well, living in Canada does have it's downfalls. No Target. So after about 4 hours on the computer I felt so exhausted and a bit nervous that I picked the right stuff.

This all doesn't seem crazy does it? Well, lets just say that I'm a bit obsessed now. I keep going on Target.com to check and make sure everything I put on my registry is still there and the internet people didn't delete it. I also have gotten a bit diaper crazy. We have decided on cloth diapering our children for cost and environmental sake. Now, I want to blame my dear friend Katie for getting me so excited about cloth diapers, but I guess that's not very nice of me. So I'll blame my crazy pregnant hormones.

Who gets excited about what they are going to put on their baby's butt? Who gets excited about what they are going to spray off poopy diapers with? Who gets excited about what they are going to put their dirty diapers in? Well, me apparently. I go on this website called Nicki's diapers all the time and I don't even know why I do. Maybe it's just the thought of having a baby to put the diaper on. Who knows!

What all this boils down to is that I have a new obsession: anything baby. I would be so happy putting together a crib, putting up curtains and pre-washing a bunch of cloth diapers right at this moment.  I can only see this getting worse, so if anyone has any advice for me, I will gladly take it! We still have quite a while to wait for our baby to come out, but I am just so darn excited.

I am going to just try and relax and enjoy the rest of this pregnancy, but I think I might need some prayers for patience :) I'll put up another baby picture very soon. We are on week 17 or for people that haven't gone through pregnancy stuff yet, about four months!


  1. That's awesome! haahaha this blog post was pretty neat! Exciting stuff!!!!

  2. You are crazy! Nicki's diapers... I blame Katie too :) Thanks for the clarification on 17 weeks=4 months. I needed that :)

  3. That's awesome. Although I would caution you when you use cloth diapers to find something to treat them because they smell really really bad. (I know from experience at daycare)


  4. I think you are doing just fine Annette (as long as 'worry' doesn't sneak in!)

  5. yea for nesting!
    right before graham was born i had this urge to clean out every closet, cupboard and storage space we had...ha, never got to it, though.
    and i had the carseat in the car weeks before he was born..
    and i checked my registry [multiple times] daily..
    and i still frequent Nicki's Diapers website and blog..

    so either we're both normal..or both sadly weird?
