I am such a fool. Who am I to question my Heavenly Father and what He thinks is best for me? I go through a small trial and wonder why God made me go through this. The timing seems so wrong and so unfair. Sometimes I am surprised at how small my faith is. I question the reasoning behind the trials, but I already know the answer. James explains to us that the trials we go through help us develop perseverance.
Just 15 minutes ago I was asking God why. Why this. Why now. I am so tired and just want relief. Here I am, having a pity party for myself, and I hear a knock at our door. I go answer it and there is someone standing with a loaf of bread for me. (She also gave me her leftover lasagna for Brion and I for dinner tonight!) My relief is in Him, He is my refuge and my strength.
I think thats what God was trying to do, but it was with His blessing. Who am I to question my Maker, my Master. He has blessed me so richly and always provides for my needs. First of all He gave me a wonderful husband who has been taking such great care of me. He has used so many people around us to shower us with their wisdom and wonderful cooking. He has used my sisters and my friends to lift my spirits. So why do I still question Him? I am such a fool, but God loves me anyway. When I am weak, He makes me strong. I could be looking at this time of hardship as a blessing, but sometimes that is just so hard to do when we're in the thick of it.
All this to say, I'm feeling a bit humbled today. God has me in the palm of His hand and that is the perfect place to be. I need to just trust Him and learn to be content right where He has me!
1 Thessalonians 5
hmmm, bread and lasagna sounds great! i'm in a what-to-make-for-dinner funk..
Love you. This too shall pass.