Holy conviction, Batman! That's what I feel like saying today. My thinking has been so off and today as I was looking in the mirror, I realized how wrong my attitude has been. This pregnancy has been hard for me for a number of reasons and I have been so focused on the negative and when everything will finally start looking up, that I have wasted 28 weeks of thankfulness and rejoicing in exactly where God has me. There have been so many days that I can't do anything but lay in bed and instead of praying for other people and getting into the Word, I was just feeling sorry myself. I should have taken advantage of every second of down time that I had and put it to good use, but instead I was self absorbed and wishing the day by.
My goodness it has taken me a long time to figure this out! I could just keep waiting and waiting for a time when I will feel better and rejoice in that, or I could rejoice for this moment I have right now. Even if that means I am rejoicing in my bed or on my couch. I have such a huge privilege of having a sweet little baby inside of me and instead of thanking God everyday for the challenge that this bringing us, knowing that we can grow from this, I am focused on the prayer of health. I know that God can heal, but He doesn't always choose to do so.
So I may not be making it to all my classes and I may not have the same fellowship opportunities as everyone else, but I still have the ability to pray and study God's Word. Thank you Lord for opening my eyes! From this point on, I am going to have a better attitude. If you catch me with a bad one, please call me out it. As I have 12 weeks left, give or take a few, I want to rejoice daily in the fact that my son is alive and kicking! He is healthy and growing strong for the day when he makes his grand entrance into this world.
My Goals for the next 12 weeks:
1. Wake up everyday and be thankful for whatever it holds. Before my feet touch the floor, I want to thank God for what He is going to use me for and teach me that day.
2. Spend quality time with my Savior. Whether it be in deep prayer or studying His Word. If I am not setting my mind on things above, there is no way my attitude will transform.
3. I can't really think of something right now, but I'm sure I will in the future.
I am going to need some help in keeping my mind and my heart in the right place, so as my brothers and sisters in Christ, if you see that I may need some work on something, please feel free to tell me.