I am so obsessed with this website
I blame it all on my dear friend Katie. Anyone who is thinking about cloth diapers should really look into it. I thought at first that I was doing it out of necessity (cost of diapers and all) but really I am so excited to have this baby and start putting cloth diapers on it! I am so surprised that more people don't do it by how easy it seems. It saves money and lots of space in landfills! You don't even need pins these days. They make them so cute that you actually get oddly obsessed with looking at them. Let's just say I am very excited for the day that we get all our cloth diapers and I can wash them all and get ready for our baby. I know I have half of my pregnancy left, but the one aspect that I thought I would dread now seems more exciting than setting up the nursery.
So whoever reads this, who doesn't have grown children and plans on having children some day, you should really look into this. I think Brion my even be growing on the idea.... not entirely sure about that one, but for how much I talk about it, I think he has to be :)